QPI Award is presented for these categories to public spaces that meet Quiet Parks International Standards

A wilderness quiet park with a river flowing through trees and mountains

Wilderness Quiet Parks

Large pristine areas offering exceptional sonic beauty and opportunities for extended periods of pure natural quiet.

Award Benefits:

  • Improve physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of visitors

  • Enable people, especially children, to listen to nature

  • Increase awareness of the benefit of quiet for people and wildlife

  • Conserve wildlife

  • Preserve habitat

  • Identify and help indigenous communities preserve quiet places

  • Gain international recognition

  • Generate international media interest

  • Increase visitors and engagement

  • Increase traffic to local businesses and generate employment

  • Gain popularity on social media

  • Get assistance to create Park guidelines and management practices

  • Get assistance to maintain the award

People walking on a trail of an urban quiet park in Japan, enjoying the quiet and sounds of nature

Urban Quiet Parks

Natural areas near or in cities that offer culturally relevant quiet experiences to urban dwellers.

Award Benefits:

  • Gain recognition by showcasing your park and community on the country map

  • Generate media interest (Example: Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan)

  • Increase visitors and engagement (Example: Time Magazine World’s Greatest Places 2021)

  • Gain popularity on social media

  • Increase value of the property around the Park, as most people seek quiet while purchasing a property

  • Help educate local children on how to experience and appreciate quiet, as the Quiet Parks International Education Program is closely tied to Urban Quiet Award

  • Assist children in the urban environment to connect with nature and to appreciate birds and other animals in their natural habitat

  • Identify and help urban communities preserve these quiet places

  • Improve physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of community dwellers

  • Increase work productivity

  • Increase awareness of the essential need of both people and wildlife to experience quiet

  • Enable/encourage people to listen to nature

  • Get assistance to create Park guidelines and management practices

  • Get assistance to maintain the award

A quiet trail covered in multi coloured Autumn leaves

Quiet Trails

Pedestrian and canoe routes that offer quiet experiences of nature.

Award Benefits:

  • Gain recognition by showcasing your trail on the world map

  • Generate media interest

  • Increase visitors and engagement

  • Increase traffic to local businesses and generate employment with Quiet Recreation and Travel

  • Gain popularity on social media

  • Identify and help indigenous communities preserve these quiet places

  • Improve physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of visitors

  • Enable/encourage people to listen to nature

  • Increase awareness of the essential need of both people and wildlife to experience quiet

  • Conserve wildlife

  • Preserve habitat

  • Get assistance to create trail guidelines and management practices

  • Get assistance to maintain the award


Quiet Conservation Area

Quiet Conservation Areas (QCA) are natural areas of exceptional quality that may provide opportunities for quiet human enjoyment yet are at-risk from noise pollution.

Award Benefits:

Increase awareness of the benefit of quiet for people and wildlife

  • Gain international recognition

  • Defend your right to quiet at public hearings

  • Network with other QCAs and learn from their best practices

  • Get assistance to create guidelines and management practices

  • Get assistance to maintain the award

A whale jumping out of the water in a quiet marine park

Quiet Marine Parks (Coming soon)

Large underwater areas, off limits to motorboat and ship traffic, that offer unimpaired opportunities for marine life to communicate.


Nominate Quiet Park, Trail, or Quiet Conservation Area that deserves Quiet Parks International Award